Article Written By EIH Researcher And Writer
Urmimala Dev
In the 18th century, a Portuguese man, named Hensman Anthony, fell in love with the culture of Bengal and forever cemented his place in the history of the land. There is scare information available on him and he is today known through oral legends and folktales.
Hensman Anthony was the second of two sons born to Portuguese parents who had settled down in Farashdanga, present day Chandenagore. His father was a trader and Chandenagore at that time was a major commercial and trading centre. Growing up he was fascinated with Hindu mythology and scriptures. It was this fascination and eagerness to learn the language and culture that brought him in contact with the art of Kabigaan. Kabigaan is a form of Bengali folk music. There are two groups that duel each other led by a kabiyal or “wandering poet.” Balai Sarker, Hossain Khan, Haru Thakur, Nitai Vairagi, Ram Basu, and the well-known Bhola Moira were important kabiyals. It was the upper caste Brahmins, who gave him the name “Firingee”, a derogative term used to identify Portuguese nationals and people of mixed parentage. Anthony Firingee, as he was locally called travelled great lengths of rural Bengal, immersing himself in the language and culture. He is said to have married a Hindu woman, named Soudamini, who he had rescued from committing Sati. Kabigaan would go on to become an integral part of his life and he would go on to perform at the houses of several zamindari families of Kolkata. Despite his devotion to the art, culture and the people of Bengal, he was never fully accepted. The local people saw him as a foreigner or “firingee”, who was trying to interfere in Hindu affairs. He is known to have an extensive knowledge of the scriptures and his songs sung during Kavigaan, attracted immense popularity and are known even today.
The story of Anthony Firingee is lost in the pages of history, just like the dying art form of Kabigaan. The only relic that stands as a testament of his love for the land, is the Firingee Kalibari, located at Bowbazar in Kolkata. Through his learning of the scriptures, he became a huge devotee of the Goddess and is said to have buit the temple in her honour. The life and times of Anthony Firingee is portrayed in two Bengali films. The first being the 1962, Bengali classic, ‘Anthony Firingee’ and the second being ‘Jatishwaar’ which was released in 2014. Though both these movies are fictionalised interpretations of real historical incidents, we get a better understanding of the man who despite of being viewed as a “firingee” chose to call Bengal his home.
A still from the 1967 Bengali movie, Anthony Firingee, where Uttam Kumar played the eponymous role.
Source: https://scroll.in/global/970261/who-was-anthony-firinghee-remembering-the-portuguese-origin-singer-who-is-part-of-bengali-folklore
Devotees in front of Goddess Kali, at the Anthony Kali Bari, as it is commonly known by the local people.
Source: https://www.getbengal.com/details/did-anthony-firingi-establish-the-famous-firingi-kali-bari
The famous Kali temple established by Anthony Firingee. It is located at Bowbazar, Kolkata.
Source: https://www.getbengal.com/details/did-anthony-firingi-establish-the-famous-firingi-kali-bari
1) Chatterjee, Arup K. “Who Was Anthony Firinghee? Remembering the Portuguese-Origin Singer Who Is Part of Bengali Folklore.” Scroll.in. Scroll.in, September 9, 2020. https://scroll.in/global/970261/who-was-anthony-firinghee-remembering-the-portuguese-origin-singer-who-is-part-of-bengali-folklore.
2) Chatterji, Shoma A. “Antony Firingee and His Poignant Question That Haunts Us Even Today.” Cinestaan. Accessed July 9, 2022. https://www.cinestaan.com/articles/2018/nov/9/16720/antony-firingee-and-his-poignant-question-that-haunts-us-even-today.
3) Tnn. “5 All-Time Great Bengali Movies Inspired by Real-Life Incidents.” The Times of India. Times of India, May 2, 2018. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/entertainment/bengali/movies/photo-features/5-all-time-great-bengali-movies-inspired-by-real-life-incidents/5-all-time-great-bengali-movies-inspired-by-real-life-incidents/photostory/63998119.cms.
4) “Comments and Moderation Policy.” Maa Mati Manush :: M3 Leads – Kavigaan – A dying art form in Bengal. Accessed July 9, 2022. http://maamatimanush.tv/articles.php?aid=559.
5) Avishek. “Firingi Kali Bari – Famous Kali Temple of Bowbazar, Kolkata.” Discovering Kolkata!, November 8, 2018. https://discoveringkolkata.wordpress.com/2018/10/30/firingee-kali-bari-famous-kali-temple-of-bowbazar-kolkata/.
6) “Did Anthony Firingi Establish the Famous Firingi Kali Bari?” Get Bengal. Accessed July 9, 2022. https://www.getbengal.com/details/did-anthony-firingi-establish-the-famous-firingi-kali-bari.