The Mughal Empire, which formerly ruled the Indian subcontinent, exemplifies the confluence of civilizations, splendor, and lasting legacy. This legacy also extends to the sweet...
To begin the story of Wenger’s is to recollect a time of colonial rule where the homesick and nostalgic Europeans yearned to have some flavour...
Brahmo journalism promulgated the basis for the creation of women’s magazines. ‘Vambodhini’ (1873), ‘Abala Mitra’ (1869), ‘Bang Mahila’(1870), ‘Balranjita’(1873), ‘Hindu Lalna’ (1875), ‘Paricharika’ ( 1878),...
Heritage Walks informs tourists about the historical lessons, chapters, and moments by developing a researched trail. Heritage Walks becomes a time machine which teleports one...