The Eastern Himalayas refer to the geographically contiguous and culturally unified region that extends across Northeast India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Tibet, and Yunan. The remarkable...
“Bhagavan ke ghar der hai, andher nahi hai” (there is delay but not denial of justice in the court of the Lord), and “Upar wale...
What do bureaucratic corruption, rebirth, and an IG Nobel prize have in common? It is Lal Bihari Mritak whose story is unlike any other. An...
Potter Making a Pot [Source- ] Pots and pottery in Indian tradition have been one of the first proofs of civilization. From the worship...
The Story Of Encroachments On Our ‘Heritage Site Slum area of RK Puram sector The image that you see above was taken from the...
In the realm of art, certain masterpieces transcend time, encapsulating history and culture with strokes of brilliance. Ghulam Ali, a renowned artist, embarked on an...
Pottery is an old tradition that one can find traces of in ancient civilizations of the world. In early times, pottery was an activity by...
Neolithic pottery can provide insightful information on a variety of facets of that era’s human existence. Pottery can reveal details about human migration and habitation...
Across all the Indian epics, the Puranas, Vedic texts and traditional literature the significance of Earth and soil is the same. It is often symbolized...
- January 23, 2024
Twenty-five thousand years ago, an individual moulded and shaped clay into a female figurine. This prehistoric craft, which continues to unravel its significance, beautifully encapsulates...