The majestic Yamuna is an ancient symbol of divinity and patience. Often compared to the bustling and violent Ganga, a spiritual representation of the same...
‘Om Gan Ganapataye Namo Namah!’ is the chant that we often say before embarking on a new journey- be it literal traveling or the journey...
Gold has been an inseparable entity of Hindu mythology. The Rigveda confirms that the creator himself, Brahma, was born from the golden cosmic egg and...
Within infinite myths lies the Eternal Truth Who sees it all? Varuna has but a thousand eyes Indra, a hundred And I, only two -Devdutt...
People, regardless of their faith, regard marriage as an integral part of their lives and ensure that moral values and traditions are followed and preserved...
Article Written By EIH Researcher And Writer Vedika Singhvi “Well-established in the world, he was a skillful artist. he who formed these twins, heaven...
Article written by EIH Researcher and writer Simran Sood The story of Rama, Sita and their devotee Hanuman has been retold in many shapes...
Article Written By EIH Researcher And Writer Bhavya Saini We all have admired the Moon as it followed us during a car drive when...
Article Written By EIH Researcher And Writer Sawai Singh Panwar The arrival of Spring inaugurates a new beginning in the plant as well as...
Article Written By EIH Researcher And Writer Tithi Chatterjee According to popular understanding, astronomy is the study of stars, planets, the sun, moon, eclipses,...