In the realm of art, certain masterpieces transcend time, encapsulating history and culture with strokes of brilliance. Ghulam Ali, a renowned artist, embarked on an...
THE SELEUCIDS AND THE MAURYAS The Mauryan Empire was a vibrant empire that had contacts with several regions of the Ancient World. The Greeks, also...
- July 6, 2023
Visitors from outside the subcontinent during the ancient and medieval periods seem to have displayed a great fascination with India’s shipbuilding industry. In 326 BCE,...
- June 22, 2023
The interaction of humans with their immediate environment has always been mediated by material transformations of the landscape. Considering the landscapes of human settlements, it...
Article By EIH Researcher And Writer Mumtaz Mohiuddin Kashmir is an all-time favorite summer retreat, hailed all over the world for its scenic beauty....