Book a Walk with EIH :   Call Us Today :  +91 9667218424    OR   Mail Us Today :  account@enrouteindianhistory.com
Book a Walk with EIH :   Call Us Today :  +91 9667218424    OR   Mail Us Today :  account@enrouteindianhistory.com
Book a Walk with EIH :   Call Us Today :  +91 9667218424    OR   Mail Us Today :  account@enrouteindianhistory.com
Book a Walk with EIH :   Call Us Today :  +91 9667218424    OR   Mail Us Today :  account@enrouteindianhistory.com

Bow Barracks

  • December 20, 2023

Isn’t this how the majority of us picture Father Christmas arriving? But things look very different when you go to Kolkata’s Bow Barracks.  In a...

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