Historical records describe Arunachal Pradesh, in northeastern India, as a mysterious and culturally diverse place. The history of Arunachal Pradesh is intricately woven together by...
Carpets, alternatively known as “Farsh” or “Qali,” have played a significant role in the cultural and economic history of India, particularly during the reign of...
Amidst the neutral tones of greys and whites dominating the Indian roads and highways, a burst of contrasting colors emerges, injecting a touch of happiness...
In India, owls are like mysterious characters in a story, and people see them in different ways. Some think they’re wise and smart, like symbols...
Just imagine, another Bollywood movie scene of a ‘typical’ Indian village, the old men are sitting around a banyan tree, women are engaged in household...
An Italian Scholar, Cardano, in 1564, remarked that playing card games is like an ‘ambush’ because of their concealed identity. The history of playing cards...
THE SELEUCIDS AND THE MAURYAS The Mauryan Empire was a vibrant empire that had contacts with several regions of the Ancient World. The Greeks, also...
- August 12, 2023
The Buddhist relics at Sanchi hold a profound historical and religious significance, making the site a pilgrimage destination for Buddhists worldwide. The Great Stupa itself...
Rivers and Mythology The duality of the river, as the destroyer and the preserver, is evident from myths, rituals, and religious practices in different cultures....
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