Introduction Indian embroidery and Indian culture are renowned for their distinctiveness and creativity. Embroidery is a creative means of self-expression and a tool to enhance...
Horses evolved over the past 45 to 55 million years from a small, multi-toed creature called Eohippus, or the “dawn horse. Humans began domesticating horses...
The Razmnama was a mammoth task undertaken by the Karkhana’s of Akbar. A man known for his tolerance and inquisitive nature towards native indian cultures,...
The State of Hyderabad and Delhi have shared a unique and unbroken connection of Nizam. Delhi has remained the center of power for the Mughals,...
The control of Magadh, which corresponds roughly to modern-day Bihar, was at the heart of political action in ancient India. Around 321-297 BCE, Magadha was...
The majestic Yamuna is an ancient symbol of divinity and patience. Often compared to the bustling and violent Ganga, a spiritual representation of the same...