In the heart of Mughal India, where history and culture converged in a kaleidoscope of artistic brilliance, the celebration of Christmas took on a unique...
The history of Christmas celebrations dates back to the emergence of Christianity in the country. India had been a British colony till 1947. Still,...
Christmas is a time of joy and celebration. Christmas is celebrated in different ways across different states of India, and this is also associated with...
Bengaluru has served as a vibrant cultural melting pot, bearing witness to a plethora of ritual centers and festivals that have evolved from diverse histories...
Out of all the festivals celebrated by the Hindu community globally, Diwali or Deepavali stands out as one of the most widely celebrated festivals. The...
history of Mughal Diwali The history of Mughal Diwali brilliantly displays Akash diya and fireworks that lit up the medieval skies. But there’s more to...
- November 9, 2023
What defines, makes, and gives people their identity is the culture that seeps into their daily lives through the mediums of art, language, and...
Each year on the day preceding Diwali it was customary to visit my maternal grandmother’s home in Nathdwara to witness the frenzy of gwala...
Diwali, a Hindu festival of lights, symbolizes the victory of good over evil and unites loved ones with myths and joy. It is celebrated at...
In the month of Kartika, Diwali, a five-day festival, is celebrated with great fervor. It is a time when families come together to celebrate...