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How Punjab Cities got it’s unique name?


Contemporary Punjab we know today is the tip of the iceberg to a landmass which comprised most of the then state of India. Today, popularly known for its grand Gurdwaras, Sikhism, Factories and Fields, Punjab carries the crown of history, tracing to one of the oldest civilizations in the world- The Indus Valley Civilization. The contemporary Punjab we know of today is an amalgamation of this historic legacy from 4000 years ago. In this article, I will be discussing Five Major Cities of Punjab and their historical timeline. As we dig up their past we shall walk through the shaping of the territory through different religious influences. Point to be noted: as we walk through the histories of cities, contemporary borders should not be the point of navigation.

Punjab, a Persian word, literally meaning ‘ the land of five rivers’, is today situated at the north- west part of india. before the horrors of partition, these five rivers: Sutlej, Beas, Ravi, Jhelum, and Chenab, were part of one defined territory. Today only Sutlej, Ravi and Beas flow in the Punjab region of India. 

The city has witnessed the rules of many rulers and settlement of kingdoms,in a vast span of years, from mughals, to afghans to the British Empire, the state has gracefully weaved the legacies of all. Punjab, before the green revolution, was infamous for its fields and agriculture, soon after as the economy of the farmers took off many of them switched to running more professionalized institutions like a manufacturing company( infamous products being steel, auto parts and clothes). This economy boost has given a few cities a push ahead from the rest. My focus will center around punjabi cities: Ludhiana, Jalandar and Patiala for the study matter of this article. 

Like mentioned before the name of the city itself has Persian origin, this indicates towards heavy invasion from middle east. 


The Curious Case Of Jalandar: 

An essential part of The Harappan civilization grew integral to the Hosting Functions of the Kushan Kingdom. It was the place where great buddhist theorists came together to present their theories and debate during around 100 AD. This makes Jalandar along with Multan, the oldest surviving city of Punjab. This presence of Buddhisht influence has been crossed check by travelogue of Chinese traveller, Fa Hien, who came to India better 399c.e. – 411 c.e. and noted the vast numbers of Buddhist Viharas in Jalandar. 

According to the recordings of Hiuen Tsang, another Chinese traveller who came to King Harshavardhan’s Court in 7th CE, the city was rulled by a rajput ruler Raja Uttio. this rajput influence continued till 12th ce. Jalandar soon came under Khilji rule and continued until it was annexed and gifted to Ibrahim Lodhi by Babur. Thus began the rule of Mughals. After the death of Aurangzeb, the province fell clutch to 12 confederations of Sikh religion. Hence the unhindered rise of Sikhism in the state. 

After the building of the Jalandar Cantonment, the city entered its modern era. The city was the central point of tusse between Raja Ranjit Singh and The crown Rule all through the revolt of 1857 , through the assassination of Bhagat Singh to the independence and partition of India. 



Setting aside the proven historicity of the city, there are plenty local beliefs and speculations about the place. In ‘Padma Purana’, it is mentioned that the city takes its name from demon king ‘Jalandhra’ who was a demi god and son of Ocean ( resembling the origin of the Great Greek warrior Achilles) 

According to another legend, it was the capital of Kingdom ruled by ‘Lav’ one of the twin sons of King Rama( Ramayana) 



The term Jalandar is said to have vernacular origins, literally meaning the area inside water: ‘jal’ – water ‘andar’ – inside

because of its geographical location between rivers Satluj and Beas. 




The most populous and largest city of India’s Pubjab, Ludhiana is today famous for its farms, factories and fabric, the infamous Punjab Agricultural University, and Rural Olympics! India’s Manchester, as referred to by BBC, was once a small village called Meer Hota. This land has been ruled by a diverse set of rulers, from Guptas, Youdhas(1st-4th ce), Rajputs to Lodhis. It thus holds tales to epic battles and evolution of societies and cultures.

The city became peculiarly prominent during the reign of Lodhis( 1451ce- 1526 ce). This last ruling dynasty of the Delhi sultanate left a last impact on the city, so much so that the city is named after their legacy- ludhiyana or lodhiana was the place of Lodhis. 

During the period of Sikandar Lodhi, the native population of Meer Hota was subjected to cruelty by the Baluch invaders. Responding to pleas of its people, Sikandar Lodhi sent two of his able generals: Yusuf and Nihang Khan .

These men along with their armies fought the Baluch invasion. the city has since been known as Ludhiana, as Nihang Khan chose to stay back. His Grandson has built the infamous Fort of Ludhiana. this legacy came to end soon after annexation by Babur, and onset the rise of Mughal rule. 

After death of Akbar, the area was rapidly falling under Sikh predominance, local powers were regularly announcing freedom. One of the first, and major one, to do so was Rais of Raikot. These Rais also took control of Ludhiana. 

By 1785, nature changed the course of agricultural significance of the city as flow of River Sutlej changed and the city was no longer situated on banks. During this geographical change, the city also witnessed one of the landmark conflict on its land. The land was under assault by Sikh ruler Bedi Sahib Singh, in this tussle, the Rule of Rais was disbanded. Rais approached the British to protect the city, on their request Bedi went on other side of the bank.After uniting with the new Sikh Empire, in 1806, Maharaja Ranjit Singh pass through the river during his first voyage and bared the Rais of all their belongings, including the city Ludhiana. 

Finally, the city fell in the hands of the British Empire under the doctrine of lapse, as last rulers of ludhiana- The Jinds saw no successor.

Today, Ludhiana is one of the major industrial hubs of India, surpassing even big metropolitan cities. 



In the process of downfall of the Mughal empire, the city saw a political vaccum in the 18th ce. Sikh Misaldars in Punjab captured thus turmoil and established a province, one of major principalities established is Patiala by Baba Ala Singh. 

The contemporary glam of Patiala has history wallowing in myth and legends, which makes separating facts from fiction difficult. But as the story goes, Chaudhary Phul Singh is the reason for ‘Phukian’ dynasty and rulers of erstwhile Patiala- Nabha and Jindh their traces back to this dynasty. Ala Singh carved out an independent principality from a petty Zamindari of 30 villages. Under his successors, it expanded into a big State, touching the Shivaliks in north, Rajasthan in the south and upper courses of the Jamuna and the Sutlej.( ministry of punjab) 

This time was crucial as attacks were regular from Marathas, Afghans and Mughals alike. There influence is still seen in the architecture of the city which has stood the test of time, like the Qila Mubarak. Built in 1763, by Baba Ala Singh, also known as Patiala Fort, is the center of the city planning of Patiala. Ahmad Shah Abdali bestowed upon Ala Singh drum and banner after latter’s death, his grandson Amar Singh, succeeded and received the title of Raja-i-Rajgan.(ministry of punjab) 

This struggle between Marathas, Mughals and Afghans went on for about 40 years until Ranjit Singh almost took control of the city. The then ruler of Patiala, succumbed to his survival instincts and signed a collaborative treaty with the empire in exchange of protection. 



Historians have tried to trace back the history of Punjab, there are speculations of its mentions in the Rig Veda but nothing concrete backs the claims. what is tangible, is that the city was built by Ala Singh around Qila Mubarak( the city planning resembles the structure of a temple. with the idol at its center and rest of the temple revolved around it). Till even after British annexation, royalties continued to live in this fort. colonies or mohallas of Khatris, Aroras and Baniyas along with haveli of other royalties were located around the fort periphery. Chur Majris gave abode to lower castes, like the dancing girls. Much of the historic infrastructure, like the fortification walls constructed by Maharaja Naredra Singh have now been demolished to cater to the growing population. 

From magnified study of the  three prominent cities of Punjab, we can rightly derive a heavy Arab, Persian, Baluch, Rajputana and Buddhist influence in the formation of the contemporary state of Punjab. Its 4000 year old legacy gives great insight to understand the chalcolithic man, changing course of geography, politics in the north of India and further development of the culture we know today. 



-District Patiala, Government of Punjab,two%20rivers%20Jal%20and%20Andhar.


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