In the heart of cosy winter nights, amidst swirling mists and tales of old, there exists a tradition that transcends time—a tradition as ancient...
Out of all the festivals celebrated by the Hindu community globally, Diwali or Deepavali stands out as one of the most widely celebrated festivals. The...
history of Mughal Diwali The history of Mughal Diwali brilliantly displays Akash diya and fireworks that lit up the medieval skies. But there’s more to...
Each year on the day preceding Diwali it was customary to visit my maternal grandmother’s home in Nathdwara to witness the frenzy of gwala...
THE SELEUCIDS AND THE MAURYAS The Mauryan Empire was a vibrant empire that had contacts with several regions of the Ancient World. The Greeks, also...
Background & Genesis: Masks & Mud or Terracotta The word ‘mask’ appeared in English in the 1530s from the French ‘masque’ which means to conceal...
The Mandana Art is the visual folk art of the state of Rajasthan and is regarded as one of the oldest surviving tribal art forms...
BLOCK PRINTING IN RAJASTHAN History has witnessed the crafting of Indian textiles with various techniques, including printing and dyeing cotton cloth, since the 12th century....
Gold predominantly known in jewellery form, had much more to it, the Deccani paintings of Tanjore takes us back to the epoch when gold was...
In the vastly stretched history of India, there have been several seats of power, which have captivated the eyes of the beholder. One among them...